
Tuna Pastry Envelopes

4 Servings
30 Min

2 cans of Tuna Fillets in Organic olive oil Jupiter

500 gr of asparagus

150 gr of grated cheese

1 puff pastry

1 beaten egg

Salt and pepper to taste


1. Start by cutting off the asparagus tops. In a frying pan, sauté the asparagus with the olive oil from the can, salt and pepper.

2. Roll out the puff pastry and cut it into 12 equal squares. In each square, place 1 piece of tuna fillet, then some asparagus and finally sprinkle with grated cheese.

3. Close the envelopes with two corners of the square and brush with the beaten egg.

4. Bake for about 7 minutes. Serve with a warm quinoa or couscous salad.